Sunday, November 30, 2008

Gettting it together

So, I haven't written in awhile. It feels like my life was turned upside down in September. The roller coaster that went up seemed to be coming down real hard and real fast. I just really was at a stand still and it took this long to feel like myself again. I went through a hard time with Prop 8 because of my sister, Landon will probably end up not seeing his Dad anymore, and I learned that at some point you have to let go of your kids and let them fly; hoping you have taught them enough to make good choices.
Way too overwhelming! But, after many headaches, fasting, prayers, and crying, I think I am back to "normal" whatever that is. So, tomorrow I will list a few of my favorite things as the holiday season is in full affect.
And by the way I am very very grateful for all my special "peeps" in my life!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I love you, Mery. You're a great mom and a wonderful friend. I always feel better when I see you or talk to you.